Wayzata's Best of Shareware PC/Windows 1
Wayzata's Best of Shareware for PC-Windows - Release 1 - Wayzata Technology (1993).iso
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.topic NoContext=0
Help Index ▄
Select one of the following help topics with <Tab> or <Shift+Tab>
then <Enter> or double-click with the mouse.
{Help on Help:HelpHelp}
{Company Policies:Policy}
{Standard Forms:Forms}
.topic HelpHelp
Help on Help ▄
What you are looking at right now is the help system. Most of the help
screens have some highlighted items (cross references) on them that lead
to another help topic. The <Tab> and <Shift+Tab> keys highlight cross
references on help screens. The <Enter> key or a mouse double-click
jumps to the help screen for the selected cross reference. The cursor
keys scroll the screen to view long help topics. The [Index] button
jumps to the help index where help topics are arranged for quick selection.
The [Previous] button jumps to the last help topic displayed. This
backward link is maintained throughout the help session. The [Print <F9>]
key prints the current help topic.
.topic Policy
Company Policies ▄
The following topics are available:
{Equal Employment Opportunity:EqualOpp}
{Outside Employment:OutsideEmp}
.topic EqualOpp
Equal Employment Opportunity ▄
This organization is an equal employment opportunity employer and believes
in equal employment opportunity, irrespective of race, religion or gender.
We will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment.
See also: {Company Policies:Policy}
.topic OutsideEmp
Outside Employment ▄
Any employee who holds employment with any other organization should notify
their supervisor in writing of such fact.
An employee may hold a job with another organization as long as he or she
satisfactorily performs his or her job responsibilities with this
organization. Employees should consider the impact that outside employment
may have on their health and physical endurance. All employees will be
judged by the same performance standards and will be subject to the
employer's scheduling demands, regardless of any existing outside work
If the employer determines that an employee's outside work interferes with
performance or the ability to meet the requirements of this organization
as they are modified from time to time, the employee may be asked to
terminate the outside employment if he or she wishes to remain with this
Outside employment will represent a conflict of interest if it has an
actual or potential adverse impact on this organization.
See also: {Company Policies:Policy}
.topic Vacation
Vacation ▄
Vacation time with pay is available to eligible employees to provide
opportunities for rest, relaxation, and personal pursuits. The amount
of vacation time employees receive depends on their length of service.
See also: {Calculating Vacation Time:VacationCalc}
{Requesting Vacation:VacationReq}
See also: {Company Policies:Policy}
.topic VacationCalc
Calculating Vacation Time ▄
Vacation time depends on length of service. Use the following chart to
determine the vacation time you have available during the calendar year:
Length of Service Weeks Vacation
----------------- --------------
0 - 6 months 0
6 months - 1 year 1
1 year to 5 years 2
more than 5 years 3
See also: {Vacation}
{Requesting Vacation:VacationReq}
.topic VacationReq
Requesting Vacation ▄
If you are eligible for vacation (see
{Calculating Vacation Time:VacationCalc}) you may request vacation by
completing form {VAC1000:FormVAC1000} and obtaining approval from your
See also: {Vacation}
.topic Forms
Standard Forms ▄
The following standard company forms are available. Use the [Print <F9>]
command to print the form.
{Purchase Requesition:FormPurchReq1550}
{Vacation Request Form:FormVAC1000}
.topic FormPurchReq1550
Vendor: ___________________________ Date: ____/____/____
___________________________ PO #: ______________
Phone: ___________________________
Contact: ___________________________ Approved: ________________
Requested By: ______________________ Approval date: ___________
Qty Description Unit Cost Total
--- -------------------------------------- --------- ---------
___ ______________________________________ _________ _________
___ ______________________________________ _________ _________
___ ______________________________________ _________ _________
___ ______________________________________ _________ _________
___ ______________________________________ _________ _________
___ ______________________________________ _________ _________
___ ______________________________________ _________ _________
___ ______________________________________ _________ _________
___ ______________________________________ _________ _________
___ ______________________________________ _________ _________
TOTAL _________
.topic FormVAC1000
Name: ______________________________________ ID #: _____________
Vacation requested from ____/____/_____ through ____/____/____
Purpose for vacation: ____________________________________________
Phone where you can be contacted during your leave: ______________
Signature: ___________________ Approved by: _____________________